The project BioDiTOUR seeks to harmonize preservation of biotic diversity with encouraging the development of its most valuable resources, its natural assets, which also represents one the fundamental challenges of the programme area. One of the most substantial treats to biodiversity across Europe are plant invaders, invasive alien species that are making their way into habitats and, while doing so, impoverish biotic diversity; aiming to contain the environmental, economic and health impacts of neophytes, the project illustrates methods of tackling neophytes and preserving habitats at the cross-border level.  Valorization of biodiversity for the purposes of developing socially and environmentally friendly sustainable tourism will be brought about through the development of cross-border products of active and educational tourism. We wish to encourage the visitor to thread off the beaten path and stop by newly developed green locations of the cross-border region. The project approach is innovative in its audience-orientation, be it local communities or tourist visitors, emphasis is placed on informing and awareness-raising. Innovative project activities that begin with research, implementation and informative role of the Neophyte Academy, establishment of tourist and informative infrastructure, so called BioDiTOUR points, steering the gaze of the visitor in the direction of natural treasures and informing him or her about the dangers of invasive alien plant species, and continue toward the development of tourist products and services that raise the quality of life in the local community, bring about social and economic benefits and, when underpinned with appropriate promotional and informative tools, represent added value to the existing tourist offers of the programme area, thus increasing the recognizability of the region, and are, which is most important, freely publicly available.