The project aims to promote the wider adoption of local bioenergy in NW Europe (NWE). & thereby help realise the potential that exists in NWE for biomass to make a substantial contribution to increasing energy security. reducing carbon emissions & creating employment. The project will promote the take up of decentralised heat & power schemes at a small scale (<10MW total energy) through the novel integration of anaerobic digestion (AD) & intermediate pyrolysis. These technologies enable the use of a wide range of frequently difficult to manage feedstocks in both rural & urban situations. but have not previously been piloted in a commercial location. The project will focus on 5 regions: the West Midlands (UK). the Ile de France. Wallonia. Eindhoven & Hessen in Germany. A Bioenergy Support Centre (BSC) will be created in each region as a focal point for the propagation of new bioenergy schemes. The creation of further ‘daughter’ BSCs will be hosted by a Partner in Alsace & by Observers in the UK. Luxembourg & Ireland. An integrated & expanding network of BSCs will form across NWE to catalyse new bioenergy provision at a regional level. Observers will support the development of the BSCs & contribute to steering the project to ensure that the approach & outputs are applicable to the whole of NWE. A decision support tool will be created to aid bioenergy development activities during & after the project. The technologies will be demonstrated at 2 sites. 5 new bioenergy schemes will be developed to the point of build having secured finance & regulatory permits. By demonstrating that such energy provision is secure & economically viable. the project will help to stimulate the development of local energy networks employing multiple renewable energy technologies. thereby stimulating local economies & diversifying the provision of energy in NWE both geographically & technologically.