NW Europe’s large conurbations and capital cities have historically acted as magnets for business-to business (B2B) activities. But medium sized cities have been less successful at attracting such firms, which are playing a growing role in the increasingly service sector dominated economy. The broad objective of the Bizz 2 Bizz Cities project is to attract B2B firms to locate in three NW European cities that need to diversify and boost their economies. The 3.8M Euro project also aims to cut long distance commuting and so reduce congestion in core metropolitan areas. Specifically, it seeks to achieve its goals by making nationally and internationally oriented business services companies aware of the opportunities and advantages of settling in the target regions/cities, such as new ICT communication possibilities and access to cheaper labour and buildings. This will involve a transnational marketing exercise to B2B companies to identify companies considering relocation. The project will also aim to develop magnets of service sector employment eg around the Philips semi-conductor plan in Nijmegen.