The Bleue is a local and hardy cow breed that was endangered in the late 1990s. It is present in the French Walloon territory and is perfectly adapted to the climate and soil conditions. Raised in meadows and feeding on grass, its breeding is sustainable and respectful of the environment. Since then, the breed has been saved by agri-environmental measures and supporting projects. In order to secure this protection and support livestock farms, the BlueSter project aims to develop new local products specific to the Bleue breed (yoghurt, cheese, butter, meat,...) and to create marketing channels via short supply chains to promote them. Within the sectors, companies have the opportunity to learn how to manufacture these products or to deliver their raw materials to a centralised processing workshop. In addition, the project intends to work on anchoring La Bleue to its local territory through eco-grazing and rural tourism. All actions are developed in a co-construction approach in order to involve the various stakeholders (producers, processors, distributors, consumers, etc.) in the process. The actions are designed to to provide added value to the primary production of the Bleue Mixte companies and thus guarantee them profitability despite market fluctuations.