Cooperation between the Koillismaa sub-region and northern areas of the Republic of Karelia had been engaged in for years prior to this project. It was regarded as meaningful to continue and deepen already created cooperation patterns to best benefi t the cooperation eff ort between Koillismaa, Louhi and local areas. Th e Kuusamo-Suoperä border-crossing point was seen as a great opportunity, and there was a desire to continue eff orts towards the internationalisation of the frontier station. In the Border Region Cooperation Centre of Koillismaa project, services were to be created for industries from the perspective of cooperation across national frontiers. In addition, the preparation, opening, and maintenance of the international border-crossing point were to be supported. Entrepreneurs, communities, and offi cials were also to be assisted in developing their activities to maximise their gain from the opening of the international border-crossing point. Th e essential functions of the project assisted in business cooperation, business advisory services and planning, marketing services and their development, assisting the actors of the region in EU project activities, establishing export companies, and developing Internet services and as well as an information bank service. In addition, there was a wish to improve the skills and available services off ered by the business network to the standard required for international activities. Promotion of the opening of the Kuusamo-Suoperä border-crossing point to international traffi c was also favoured.