The key objective is to strengthen the protection of the state border, to prevent and combat illegal migration, human trafficking and to fight against cross-border crime through the development of surveillance systems, what will improve the effectiveness of border checks. Within the framework of the Project the Polish side plans to purchase the equipment for the technical surveillance and DMR radio communication as a part of the establishment of the European border surveillance system EUROSUR. The Belarusian side plans to purchase equipment and materials to set up a security system of Perimeter surveillance and to arrange for the transport equipment and portable technical equipment for border surveillance. The Problem identified on the PL-BY border is cross-border crime associated with illegal migration, smuggling of cigarettes and stolen vehicles. Implementation of the Project will enable observation, detection and registering unauthorized border crossing or crossing attempts by illegal immigrants or by individuals smuggling goods into the EU customs territory. The partners of the Project will have the opportunity to implement good practices on both sides of the border and exchange experiences. Using the equipment of technical border surveillance will provide proper protection of border crossing points from evading control, increase the effectiveness of checks. Having regard to the community welfare, cooperation of the services will have a measurable impact on ensuring public order and security of the whole region, as the common task of both services is to fight border crime. The Project will contribute to the enhancement of people protection living in the area of the program and in the whole EU. The final beneficiaries directly benefiting from the Project will be officers of both services, and indirectly population. After implementation of the Project activities an additional agreement will be signed between the leader and the Belarusian partner.