Estonia, Latvia and Finland have good position in development of breeding animals export (both dairy and beef). For example Estonian dairy cattle is in TOP3 in Europe in milk production. In all countries there is a high competence and long experience in breeding. Bigger farms are actively working on improving livestock quality. Beef cattle breeding has developed really fast during last 10-15 years. Especially Latvia has good experience in export. Entering to new export markets would have a positive impact to the development of the dairy and beef cattle breeding sector in CB area. In dairy farming, an increasing number of exported heifers would give an additional income for local dairy farmers as well as it would promote the improvement of genetic basis in livestock. The main objective of BreedExpo project is to support agricultural producers from CB area, who are interested in exporting breeding animals, to enter into new markets- Kazahstan, Georgia and Ukraine. Farmers will be involved to the development of processes related to the export of breeding animals. Partners use cluster-based approach for cooperation between existing clusters- farmers organizations as project partners and national/sectoral breeding associations as main stakeholders responsible for organizing the sales of living animals in foreign markets. In total ca 40 agricultural producers will be involved to export activities. It is expected that by the end of the project or during one year after the project at least 1 sales transaction has been taken place in each target market. One sales transaction means that 100 or more animals from larger group of farmers have been bought by local intermediary organizations (breeding associations, farmers cooperatives or similar) and sold to target markets.