The partnership of this project has gathered to develop innovative methods for contributing with tools for solutions within one big problem area in our society; The involvement of young people. Problems with increased social exclusion among young people can be found in the entire Baltic Sea region, and the rest of Europe, and the reasons can be found largely in increased unemployment, low movement among young people, low education level, increased gap between generations etc. In the partnership, we have identified a specific area where we intend to develop methods for increased social inclusion of young people. Culture in this framework is used as an instrument, since it directly focuses on developing the ability to feel, hear, interpret and understand. It can contribute to greater social inclusion if we are able to more closely involve young people in the culture areas in the region. How do we entice young people to traditional music, arts, handicraft, books, dance - our Culture institutions? This project intends to develop successful methods. The fact that countries around Baltic Sea, although they are different today, once were tightly connected when it comes to trade, culture and traditions is a key to mutual understanding and social inclusion in the region. This project answers to the specific area within the EU strategy for the BSR; To Make The Baltic Sea Region An Accessible And Attractive Place, through the project objectives to support increased mutual understanding between generations, increased equality between different groups in society and understanding of the common identity in BSR. Since an active culture life provides increased tolerance and understanding, as well as active citizenship, new methods to reach new target groups is very important. This project can make a significant contribution to this. The practical implementation is controlled by four work packages: 1. Management and Coordination, where the local project leaders, headed by a Joint Project Manager and Economist, are responsible for all activities within the project, managed by the project steeringgroup..2. Local pilot project, undertaken by all partners to provide practical test ideas, but also for developing methods in practice. 3. Follow-Up and Evaluation, where the project is followed from day one, both internally and externally by assessors who participate in all conferences and meetings, to ensure that project targets and objectives are followed. 4. Dissemination and Communication, where dissemination of the results of the project is guaranteed, and that the internal communication is well structured. All partners actively participate in every part of the project.