The project concerns the cooperation of the partner and the Lead Partner from the previous programming period. Its objective is to intensify the use of cultural and natural heritage by the tourists and residents of the borderland region in a sustainable manner. We aim to achieve this through 5 substantive tasks of the project. The target groups are residents and visitors of the Polish-Slovak borderland region. Under the project, the renovation and restoration of 2 cultural monuments which are located in the borderland will be carried out: – the oldest town hall in Silesia and an outbuilding near the castle in Budatín which is currently closed due to poor technical condition. The project will allow to carry out the renovation of cultural heritage sites. In the case of Budatín Castle, it will also make it accessible to the public. A multimedia room will be organised in the renovated rooms of the town hall in Strumień, where a seminar devoted to the presentation of cultural tourism will be held. The renovated rooms of the outbuilding near the Budatín Castle will house an exhibition of tinker craft in its traditional and artistic form. A mobile application in 3 language versions (Slovak, Polish and English) will be available, including information about cultural heritage sites and events in the border region (in the Žilina Region and in Strumień). All the above will broaden the knowledge and then enhance the use of cultural and natural heritage of the region by tourists and its residents. The application will be available for download on the websites of both partners. The activities under the project include: Polish-Slovak days of craft in Budatín and the International Day of Tradition in Strumień, which will help to discover traditional folk customs and crafts as well as folklore of each region. The project will also benefit the local communities as they will be able to enhance their cultural and social ties and receive an extensive offer allowing them to spend their free time in an interesting way.