The territories of the project partners are situated in the area of protected landscapes with great potential and cultural and natural heritage. However, the potential of this heritage is not fully utilised. In fact, many people living in this region are not aware of the natural and cultural qualities of their own region and do not know the cross-border region at all, despite the fact that both partners are geographically very close to each other. The project aims to contribute to discovering this heritage, making people familiar with it, promoting its development and intensifying its use. The project partners want to construct for the local population and visitors a connected circular cycling route which would run through our cross-border region and show our common cultural and natural heritage. The land registries of individual partner countries already incorporate partial cycling routes; in the previous programming period, route from Krásno nad Kysucou via Bystrická Valley to Milówka was constructed. We intend to touch on the previous project and build a connected circular cycling route leading through Dunajov and Oščadnica districts and Gmina Rajcza. On the route, there will be various tourist infrastructure elements informing about the cultural and natural heritage (informative boards) of the area. These elements will facilitate the use of the heritage – tourist observation towers, routes and car parks, etc. Thanks to creating infrastructure for leisure activities and with the implementation of the pilot Cycling Day after the completion of the route, an increase in tourist traffic is expected in this area.