The new kayak trails, leading through the borderline of Ukraine, Belarus and Poland will enable the amateurs of nature to discover the untouched beauty of river Bug and regions appreciated and valued for the nature. The river Bug, still unregulated, meanders through diversified landscape and gently shaped hills. The new tourism product will offer 800 km of kayak trails, properly marked and filled with facilities needed for active leisure and viewpoints to observe unique scenery. Centers of tourism, created within the project, will work as a spot for enhancing cross-border tourism. International crossborder events will enable the communities to strengthen the cooperation and create new contacts. An extensive advertising campaign will allow to promote the regions and its natural treasures and the new opportunities for touristic activities. This project aims to create an innovative tourism product, based on the principles of sustainable tourism and preservation of natural heritage of the regions. Despite the political and administrative barriers, the project will enable us to share the terrains ecologically pure with visitors. The project will create new conditions for development of the backward regions, that will be based on the resources available locally. The stakeholders from three countries will benefit from the project equally, in particular: the partners, their employees, entrepreneurs and local community. The trail will affect positively touristic attractiveness of the border and encourage reciprocal visits. The participation in the project will bring the three parts significant benefits: improvement of the infrastructure, enrichment of experience in solving common problems, strengthening the cooperation and neighborhood bonds, increase of local potential and economic growth in the long run. The project will solve all the identified problems, such as: insufficient use of environmental advantages, inadequate tourist infrastructure, lack of promotion.