The aim of the project is to promote the utilisation of renewable and alternative energies and to develop economic sectors of production, trade and services related to renewable and alternative energies in Hajdú-Bihar and Bihor Counties, through the joint development of interlinked industrial service centres. The main activities of the project are the construction activities and equipment purchasing; construction works will take place in Téglás and Osorhei parallel to each other. A former cultural centre of 1594,7 sqm will be reconstructed in Téglás, and a greenfield building of 493,65 sqm will be constructed in Osorhei to serve as Renewable Energy Service Centres. In the meantime specific content related and office equipment will be purchased to enable the effective operation of the formed RES Centres. The direct target group is formed by: Project Partners (4 organizations, together with 4 Associated Partners), who are moving their sustainable development, environmental and energy related consultancy activities into state-of-the-art office environment, that helps them to maximize their operational effectiveness, for the sake of the region's sustainable economic development; Non-profit business support organizations (about 50) in both Hajdú-Bihar and Bihor Counties, prepared to use the newly formed office facilities for reduced fee (below market level), thus enabling the development of their service quality and range as well, and also the possibility to create a unique and innovative pair of integrated competence centres; Micro and small sized renewable energy companies in start-up phase applying for incubation services (receiving administrational services, access to laboratory, warehouse and production hall space, and take advantage of the cooperation possibilities with other tenants); Clients of the energy laboratory of RES Centre Téglás: Production and trade companies specialised in renewable energies (approx. 150 throughout the two countries).