Project “Business bridges – dare to make the first step” aims to create conditions for increasement of sustainable and high-quality employment, reduction of unemployment and emigration by involving communities in joint activities to enhance the entrepreneurial capacity of community members. Varena and Elk municipalities will combine their knowledge and experience to identify specific problems in cross border regions due to low level of employment and low entrepreneurship level. With the help of professional experts Joint entrepreneurship strengthening programs for rural areas will be prepared, joint trainings will be organized, business coaches will be prepared, cross border camps and local trainings for encouragement of entrepreneurship, discussions and presentation of project results for the communities will be organized. Both beneficiaries will create business education centers by adjusting necessary infrastructure and equipping it. The main target group of the project is cross border youth and older people (age groups 12-15, 16-19 and 50+), also education specialists, community members, local authorities. Project duration 24 months, project budget 994 553,18 Eur.