The project strategy is oriented towards raising the capacity (through training and exchange of good practices) of the local and regional stakeholders to collaborate with current and potential investors and to utilize EU funds as well as to develop and support different forms of public-private partnership. In parallel the attractiveness of the cross border region Pernik - Nishava will be promoted through implementing of active territorial marketing based on a joint strategy, developed under the project. The investment opportunities will be enabled by the research of the investment potential of the Pernik and Nishava regions and the development of investment manual and joint action plan. The latter will ensure a solid base for formulation and development of future investment projects, which could be realized on the basis of public-private partnership in the border regions. The establishment of Bulgarian-Serbian Business Council and the creation of a joint web business portal will make the project effects sustainable. Sustainability will be ensured by the broad involvement of representatives of local and regional authorities, business and NGOs, which will improve the communication between these groups and will serve as a base for establishment of future public-private partnerships.