The Bâti C² project is inspired by a major observation in the eco-construction sector: there are a number of obstacles in terms of the offer (lack of awareness of neighbouring markets, shortage of technical skills, lack of knowledge of materials by the general public or project managers, etc.) This is why technical and generalist partners are aligning themselves to improve the match between supply and demand in eco-materials and together offer a wide range of services to SMEs by offering them overall support for their development. The methods used are based on the pooling of the operators’ resources with the exchange of knowledge and technology. The Bâti C² project will promote the economic development of SMEs in the eco-construction sector through the use of short circuits. It offers support to companies and project leaders in the construction sector of the cross-border region in order to: help construction professionals to develop their short circuit activities with individual and/or collective support, to encourage specifiers (owners, authorities, etc.) to use local resources and finally to improve the match between supply and demand by enhancing the know-how and developing a communication specific to the eco-construction sector. Cross-border cooperation makes a contribution by allowing the issues to be analysed in a broader spectrum and generating a more relevant range of possible solutions.