A caddie is the one who carries a glof player's bag, and gives insightful advice and moral support. A good caddy is aware of the challenges and obstacles of the golf course being played, along with the best strategy in playing it. This is also what the CADDIES project is about. The caddie function is applied to three Central Baltic partners in their similar core challenge: How to motivate different inhabitant groups to participate and take responsibility of their own house/block/neighbourhood in a sustainable way? All are active in neighbourhood areas development in the cities of Norrköping, Helsinki and Riga. The overall aim of the project is to test and develop methods on how to empower and enable different inhabitant groups to take charge of the development of their own environment; to create models for local vision and strategy building; to strengthen local resources in the neighbourhood development processes; to enhance the possibilities for different inhabitant groups to be informed on their own environment and create a model of a local communication platform. The main actions of the project will be: to collect, develop and test various methods and tools in the projects target areas together with all the partners; to find best practices via benchmarking; to support the local actors sense of community in the target areas; to report the outcomes and build three manuals based on the results. All the project partners also have a similar specific challenge: In Riga the aim is to get the inhabitants to take responsibility of management of the blocks and common spaces. In Norrköping the need is to increase the attractiveness of certain neighbourhoods. In Helsinki the focus is on creating local co-operation models between different inhabitant groups and other local actors. All the partners have experience and strength in different areas than the other partners: Norrköping has experience on how to work with immigrant groups in neighbourhoods, Riga has experience in the quality of human interaction and Helsinki has a strong methodological experience in wider local communication structures. Benefits of the project are: increase in the quality of life in the target areas; synergy via the cross-border approach; the finding of new and innovative models for neighbourhood development processes; increased attractiveness, safety and quality of life in the target areas through developed communication structures and increased co-operation and participation.