CAMP-sUmp aims to improve sustainable urban mobility planning instruments as SUMP (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan), through innovative mobility strategies for students’ flows inside the MED Area University Campus and their integration with the urban areas. In fact in MED Area, Campus are strong interrelated to their urban context and they suffer from a big pressure caused by students’ mobility flows and activities. There are different levels of state of the art in SUMPs in MED area and they often do not take into account the integration with University Campus mobility. The Action Plan for Campus sustainable University mobility plans (CAMP-sUmp) will contribute to plug a gap due to the congestion caused by private cars in University wider area and the low use of public transport by students. The Action Plan will be based on a framework analysis, a Road Map Model for decision makers and on ICT model and instruments that will improve the capacity of decision makers and university mobility managers to plan the best sustainable mobility solution in University Campus. The approach starts from the capitalization of each partner’s experience on students mobility and on existing SUMPs, in order to have a transnational representative panel within MED area, and will apply multi-criteria methods, evaluation of alternatives, ICT solutions, combined in the most effective policies and instruments of sustainable mobility, to develop a long-term strategy for students’ mobility in MED area.