Project is based on the cooperation between partners from six countries from the eligible area of the IPA Adriatic cross-border cooperation programme - Slovenia, Italy, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro. It corresponds to the Priority 3 Accessibility and Networks. The idea is to strengthen and integrate existing infrastructure of small airports, which will lead to revival of connections in the Adriatic area and primarily between areas of partner’s airports. Moreover, the subject of “CAN” project is not only to upgrade of infrastructure of airports but also to enhance better cross border cooperation in the field of search and rescue activity and to improve safety and security of people, goods and carriers . The overall objective of the project “CAN” is to modernize and to improve of small airports facilities and to establish better conditions for providing Search and Rescue measures and better performing Air Safety and Security measures. - Improve infrastructure conditions for better and faster SAR performance. - Improve the compatibility of SAR units and increase its effectiveness. - Improving the air safety of sport aviation and security of people and goods through upgrading of airport infrastructure. Specific objective of the project activities is to improve conditions for the operation of small airports and their successful integration into the protection and rescue system of individual countries and the international community. Search and Rescue (SAR) measures dealing with natural disasters gain in importance in modern society. The current organization of SAR in the IPA Adriatic region is at various levels and is the consequence of different social and economic development of the countries. From this reason, partners in the project deal with major differences in the material respect (equipment, personnel infrastructure, ..) as well as in organizational terms (responsiveness, rules of use, interaction,..) of SAR units. The project aims to increase the compatibility of SAR units particularly in those areas, which include the use of small airports and air units participation. With this project we want also to raise awareness of the role and importance of airports in protection and rescue. Air sports may be viewed as high-risk sports and, as with all forms of aviation, accidents are inevitable. An analysis of aviation accidents, where different actors in air traffic was involved, shows that the largest cause of these accidents is human factor. Therefore, the training of participants in air traffic, risk management and coordination between all participants is crucial to reduce the number of accidents. Investment on 7 airports/heliports will be conducted to build up major facilities and purchase of equipment that would be used to improve equipment in Search and Rescue actions and survey of natural disasters.