In order to define common territorial challenges the partners made an assessment of territorial analysis and studies available for the CB region of Bihor and Csongrád, including:- Strategy for Sustainable Development of Bihor County, - STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT OF SPORT IN ROMANIA - THE PERIOD 2016 -2032,- The Public Education Development Strategy of the Ministry of Education (Hungary 2004).In the assessment of territorial analysis and studies available for the CB region of Csongrád-Bihar the following common territorial challenges have been identified:- sport climbing is not known among amateur as a hobby;- people are not informed about climbing sports;- there is a lack of programs/activities of climbing sports developed for children with special needs.The project contributes to achieving specific target”5.1. Sport for All” from ”STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT OF SPORT IN ROMANIA - THE PERIOD 2016 -2032” through the following specific objectives:- To increase the number of participants and facilitate their access to sports programs;- To increase the participation of various social categories, considering age and social status.The Public Education Development Strategy of the Ministry of Education in Hungary:- The problems the strategy treat: The major researches show that physical condition and physical development of youth are inadequate.- The strategy recommends the inclusion in educational materials provided by schools - popular forms of phycical activities such as climbing (The Basic National Curriculum);- The main objective is to know more of the sports which can be practiced outside the school (Developing physical education).These problems are equally perceptible on both sides of the border and will be tackled by the project.The project’s main overall objective is to help cooperation initiatives that bring civil organizations closer to people, build cooperation and strengthen relationships, by establishment of a cross border climbing league and the organization of cross border climbing events in the CB area of Oradea (RO) and Zsombó (HU), in the context of small-case cooperation initiatives in the field of sports. The project directly links to Investment priority 11/b: Promoting legal and administrative cooperation and cooperation between citizens and institutions (ETC-CB)and to Specific Objective SO11/b Intensify sustainable cross-border cooperation of institutions and communities by:1. By organizing a cross border sport climbing league we establish a professional network that would provide the already existing sports clubs in the region with opportunity to promote themselves and their members with competition opportunities.2. Organizing sports events, the sports clubs will have the opportunity to form new connections while tightening the already existing ones. At the same time we are going to be able to improve the relationship between the Romanian and Hungarian communities and strengthen the cooperation between the two countries.3. By organizing cross border climbing competition the sports clubs have the opportunity to build new co-operations and improve the already existing ones, at the same time improving and strengthening the relationship between the Romanian and Hungarian communities.4. Popularize climbing on a wide scale in cooperation with the educational institutions. Through these activities we wish to raise young people’s awareness of an active lifestyle and the interest for sports.5. Involving volunteers in the organizational activity6. Organizing a cross border open air climbing camp for children with special needs is to be carried out as a result of the cooperation between PP2 an LP experts and volunteers. The main outputs of the project include:- new cross- border cooperation of institutions and communities;- a cross border climbing league;- organization of cross border climbing events;- a mobile climbing wall and its accessories for organizing sports events;- the number of people participating in cross-border cooperation initiatives.- increased number of amateurs that practice climbing sports;- a beneficial atmosphere for cross-border cooperation;- cultural understanding and tolerance. The main final beneficiary is represented by members of sports clubs interested in climbing sports, children and students of selecting schools, children who have never encountered climbing as a sport, or tried it only a few times. Also a part of the beneficiary is represented by children with special needs.The present project have an important positive impact on children with special needs, facility to develop movement coordination, nervous system, thinking and creativity, social inclusion and integration. The project is based on an integrated approach in addressing the common territorial challenges, having as central element integrated development focusing on creating the opportune frame for climbing in Hungarian - Romania frontier region.The basic idea of this concept is to establish cross-border climbing to increase the number of sport lovers who practice climbing sports and to create a beneficial atmosphere by attracting sports people from the frontier region.The approach is new and goes beyond the existing practice in the programme area due to the following features:- establishing a new cross-border climbing based on cooperation of institutions and communities (wall climbing will be promoted in schools of the Romanian-Hungarian frontier region);- the new cross- border cooperation of institutions and communities aims to create programs/activities for children who are continually obstructed in the learning processes, or suffer from hyperactivity, attention deficiency, dyslexia;- a cross border climbing camp will be organized for children with special needs, from both sides of the Romanian-Hungarian area;- the cross-border climbing is innovative and new because this type of structure does not exist in the Romanian-Hungarian frontier region; - also the approach of project is new because it will include activities related to: schools visited, training 1 day/8 hours in school, testing the abilities, selecting the best students, 1 day/school, activities that at present don't exist in the Romanian-Hungarian frontier region.The cost per person involved in cooperation is 578,70 EUR/person.