The potentially destructive natural phenomena act according to geo-physical laws and are not contained by man-made boundaries.The project intervention is justified by the need of overcoming joint risks as earthquake risk ( Banloc tectonic area), floods ( Bega, Timis, Mures), vegetation fires, highway and railway accidents, but not only. In this context, a well balanced project partnership considered all the necessary efforts and measures in order to prevent and diminish these phenomena consequences upon goods and people, through adequate planning and policies, which must correspond to local communities’ standards and expectations and to environment protection. Project overall objective is: IMPROVING CROSS BORDER INSTITUTIONAL NETWORKING, INTERCHANGEABILITY, MITIGATION AND PREVENTION CAPACITY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY SITUATIONS, BY ADDRESSING SPECIFIC RISKS, ENSURING DISASTER RESILIENCE AND DEVELOPING DISASTER MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS. Project specific objectives are: 1. Increase of cross – border intervention capacity in case of jointly identified risk situations through the procurement of specific intervention equipment; 2. Strengthening cross – border capacity of institutions, citizens, professional and volunteer intervention staff preparedness in order to tackle various types of risks within emergency situations, to set up the adequate follow up actions for joint interoperability in case of major disasters; 3. Improvement of cross – border disaster resilience capacity through the joint formulation of risks management strategy.Through the analysis of the problems and needs in the border region, we proposed an appropriate set of activities / main outputs to be undertaken in order to reach the formulated objectives:Specific operational and intervention equipment procurement LP - ADIVEST - 1 operational vehicle;PP1 - UAT JUDETUL ARAD - 3 emergency care ambulance ( b2 type), 1 firefighting vehicle (with water and foam) – 5.000 liters, 1 bus for the transport of personnel (32 seats), 20 electric pumps, 20 electric energy supply coils – 50 meters, 80 type c hose (20 meters reels), 20 protection equipment (waterproof suits), 1 water tank, 1 special vehicle for high altitude interventions (up to 20 m), 2 atv (all-terrain vehicle) for firefighting;PP2 - UAT JUDETUL TIMIS - 3 complex intervention vehicles; PP4 - VFAM - 1 piece of universal car with additional devices helping and providing multi functional disaster management missions and applications.Joint curriculum development, Joint teacher Training, Joint Competitions and Camp, Joint Training for specialized and volunteer staffPP3 - DKMT will coordinate the execution of the following actions. All the other PP's will participate and contribute to these actions achievement: 1. Curriculum development for pupils - Common Romanian-Hungarian curriculum development for 3 different age groups (6-10, 10-14, 14-18) having as theme the behaviour in different types of emergency situations 2. The brief content of the curricula (point 1) will be annexed with 3 different parts for disabled pupils: a) annex for disabled pupils in movement; b) annex for pupils with visual impairment; c) annex for hearing-impaired pupils 3. Teacher trainings will be organised in Csongrad (1), Arad (1) and Timis (1) counties in order to present and demonstrate the curricula for those teachers who would educate themselves and would transfer their knowledge to their pupils or would like to organize special courses in their schools in the field of risk prevention and emergency situations 4. Competitions and camp for emergency situations - One competition will be organised in each county in order to give the possibility for pupils to present their preparedness in emergency situations. 10 groups/county participate on the county level competition. The groups which in the first, the second and the third place on the county level competitions plus a group of hearing-impaired group win the prize of common participation in a risk prevention and emergency situation camp where they will have the possibility to deeper their knowledge in this field. LP - ADIVEST will coordinate the execution of the following actions. All the other PP's will participate and contribute to these actions achievement: 5. Joint trainings for specialized and volunteer staff: Training 1 - railway and road accidents intervention - Timisoara - 5 days ; Training 2 - intervention management - Timisoara - 5 days. Joint Seminar/ Study Tour/ Tactical Applications / Raising Awareness daysPP4 - VFAM will coordinate the execution of the following actions. All the other PP's will participate and contribute to these actions achievement: 1. 2 day long seminar and practice in Mórahalom for fire brigades from the 3 counties. The aim of the seminar and practise is to have a knowledge exchange about the operation of the fire brigades in Romania and Hungary with analysing the legal and financial background of these organisations 2. 2 day study-tour in Romania (1 day in Arad County, 1 day in Timis County) in order to investigate and test the new equipment which is purchased in the framework of the project. LP - ADIVEST will coordinate the execution of the following actions. All the other PP's will participate and contribute to these actions achievement: 3. Joint tactical exercise 1 - location Nadlac - 1 day - Near Highway A1 ( operational brigades + PP's + media) 4. Joint tactical exercise 2 - location Cenad - 3 days - Near Mures River (operational brigades + PP's + media) 5. Raising awareness days for citizens related to optimum behaviour in case of emergency situations - 15 days in Total. Joint workshops (6) organisation and Risks Management Strategy formulation on the basis of the analysis performed / conclusions depicted from the workshops ( PP3 - DKMT will coordinate this action with the involvement and participation of all the other PP's). All these foreseen activities and results will improve the quality of joint risk management and will safeguard the life of 770.906 citizens from the 3 partner counties. The proposed equipment procurement, know how transfer, exchange of best practices, workshops, study visits, joint tactical applications, joint trainings, joint educational activities, performed with integration of EU standards will stimulate long term sustainable development. To the common threat it is more productive to develop a common response strategy and to have professionals, volunteers and the general population trained and prepared to act together and in a coherent manner. Undoubtedly this project will strengthen cross - border field cooperation and intervention performance.