The main challenge of the programme area tackled in this project refers to the fact that generally people do not practice folk dance, also people do not practice activities like as handcrafts; also the supporting culture as the engine of sustainable development social and economic development is not implemented at HU-RO level; do not exist programs which promote culture and peaceful intercultural dialogue between RO – HU. Also a challenge of the programme that will be tackled in this project refers to the fact that the cultural heritage is not sufficiently consolidated at the level of RO – HU.In order to define common territorial challenges the partners made an assessment of territorial analysis and studies available for the CB region of Bihor and Hajdú-Bihar including:- Strategy for National Culture and Heritage 2016-2022; ( RO );- Hajdú-Bihar County Regional Development Program for 2014-2020 ( HU ); A primary goal of cultural diversity is to help people between RO-HU sides, become respectful of the multitudes of cultures and people that they’ll interact.In general, most people are comfortable interacting with people, behaviors, and ideas that they are familiar with but react with fear and apprehension when faced with the unfamiliar.Among its other goals, cultural diversity aims to teach people that differences in viewpoint and culture are to be cherished and appreciated rather than judged and feared. The project’s main overall objective is to help cooperation initiatives that bring institutions closer to people, build cooperation and strengthen relationships, by the organization of cross border cultural events in the CB area of Vadu Crisului (RO) and Körösszegapáti (HU), in the context of small-case cooperation initiatives in the field of culture.The project directly links to Investment priority SO11/b Intensify sustainable cross-border cooperation of institutions and communities.The main result of the project is represented by help cooperation initiatives that bring institutions closer to people, build cooperation and strengthen relationships, by the organization of cross border cultural events in the CB area of Vadu Crisului (RO) and Körösszegapáti (HU),in the context of small-case cooperation initiatives in the field of culture.The project main result appears as immediate advantage of carrying out the project, reflecting the benefit of using the project main outputs. The project main result will be realised through the organization of cross border cultural events with a 130 total number of participants.As the increase the intensity of cross-border cooperation directly depends on the increase in number of initiatives and events in the CB area like cross border cultural events, the project main result clearly links and contributes to the realization of the programme level result indicators (11/b 2 Number of people participating in cross-border cooperation initiatives ). The main outputs of the project include:- Cross border handcrafts camp;- Cross border Ecumenical choir festival;- Folk dance camp;- Training camp;- Celebration of the Salt Customs;- Event Kun László Festival at Kőrösszegapáti. The main output of this project is to build the cooperation and a strengthen relationships between the Hungarian and Romanian communities through the involvement of 130 people from Hungarian and Romanian side, will be 65 people from Hungary side and 65 from Romania side.The main beneficiaries of this project will be people that participate at cultural events organized in Romania-Hungary frontier region.Mid-term impact of the projects include:- the project will have a positive impact on local populations cultural attitude;- outcomes of the project will increase the cultural understanding and tolerance of both settlements, and willingness to participate in the cultural events; Long-term impact of the projects include:- cultural understanding and tolerance;- Cultural traditions promoted;- Capacity for social co-operation developed;- shared experience – people will be from both sides of cross border area;- revitalizing traditions – bring traditions to life, conservation of culture ( dance, handcraft );- expending cultural perspectives – learning about RO and HU culture. The project is based on an integrated approach in addressing the common territorial challenges, having as central element the integrated development focusing on cultural diversity in Hungary - Romania frontier region.The partners acknowledge that the cultural diversity on the two sides of the border need to be improved and managed together, in the context of a joint strategy, in order to promote common traditions in Hungarian - Romania frontier region.The basic idea of this concept is to create a cross-border cooperation by organizing the cultural events, to conserve and popularize the common traditions, to support culture common traditions as the engine of sustainable development social and economic development, to offer multicultural events.An important cultural diversity concept is to teach people to respect and appreciate their own culture and heritage. Providing opportunities for people to investigate unique facets of their community is one effective way to help people gain a greater appreciation for their own culture.The approach is new and goes beyond the existing practice in the programme area thanks to the following features:- will be popularized cultural and traditions practices through the next activities: handcrafts camp, ecumenical choir festival, folk dance camp, training camp.- the approach will facilitate cultural understanding and tolerance;- in the frame of project will be organized multicultural events which offers entertainment and recreational possibilities for the local people of the region;- will be organized and popularized the culture and folk traditions of the region;-will be organized presentation of the cultural groups of the region which will offer pop concerts, historical playhouses, traditional handcrafts workshops, as well as interactive shows and sports competitions