CIRCE faces the following COMMON CHALLENGE: modernizing the territorial productive system of the involved area, investing in cultural&creative industries as key strategic resources for boosting the economic growth of the targeted regions.The MAIN OVERALL OBJECTIVE is to enhance conditions for the growth of cultural and creatives industries of the audio-visual sector that can foster the valorisation of cultural heritage of the involved areas, implementing cross-border initiatives able to establish a bridge among participating regions and gather key actors in realizing new creative productions.The project implements a comprehensive programme of crossborder initiatives in audiovisual sector setting up networks at different levels that will involve the main stakeholders.The principal EXPECTED CHANGE is improving understanding among partners on the potential of audiovisual industry in promoting cultural heritage, sharing new supporting policies towards creative sector. The main CIRCE PROJECT OUTPUTS will be the Joint cross-border production platform enabling audiovisual operators across the sea to work together to co-produce a web series, the creative Network set up among Film Festivals scheduled in the area, a structured cooperation among policymakers to exchange successful practices boosting the development of new business opportunities in creative sectors, the enhancement of digital skills of audiovisual enterprises.The MAIN BENEFIT of cross border cooperation is related to the use of a wider pool of natural and cultural assets as well as of human resources than are available in one country.The key innovation of CIRCE is launching an effective process to invest into creative industry that can become a key competitive factor for the targeted regions. It lays the foundation for improving conditions for a cross-border creative cluster,bringing together audiovisual industries from regions involved and developing new policies to ehnance this sector as driver of innovation.