As it is already known, RS-RO cross border area offer mainly identical environment conditions (in the same time, challenges), regarding its dynamics and preservation. Also, the borders contact increasse the risk for different evironmental aspects, on both sides, especially for climate, insect migration, water (floating and groungwater) and soil quality. One of global challange, needing drastic actions intensify, according to EU2020 Strategy are climate and ressources. „The expansion of the world population from 6 to 9 billion will intensify global competition for natural resources, and put pressure on the environment. The EU must continue its outreach to other parts of the world in pursuit of a worldwide solution to the problems of climate change at the same time as we implement our agreed climate and energy strategy across the territory of the Union”. Extending to Priority Area 6 (PA 06: preserving biodiversity, landscapes and the quality of air and soils) of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR), it is important to educate people from rural area, especially farmers, to avoid the use in excess of chemicals for combating diseases and pests. According to Timis County strategy (, the future sustainable development of rural space will consider the potential of cross-border cooperation in objectives as: sustainable and high quality infrastructure, adequate training of human ressources, creation and improvement of a system for rural cooperation. Based on team experinces during implmentation of the project Partnership for promoting green energy in the rural area of the Romanian-Serbian cross-border region” on IPA-CBC, Romania-Serbia, we conclude that such problems are not enough and systematic approaced, on both sides of the border, regarding: interoperability, informational specialized networks, education of specialists, public administrations, stakeholders, and generally people of all ages. Project proposes to improve the capacities of competent bodies from local administration and universities, and promotes cross border networks for education and studies on environmental resources for ensuring the protection and sustainable use of natural resources and preservation of biodiversity in cross border area. Main outputs of the project, in order to change the current situation are: one on-line monitoring system regarding clima and insect migration relationship, for increasing the capacity for emergency interventions, such as: control of insect migrations and reducing of agroindustrial pollution and improvent of public health care; people educated and trained regarding environmental issues; study concerning specialist opinions and researches results regarding environmental protection issues. The new and original contribution of the project consist in the integrated approach of climate, insect migration and soil.