Pilgrimages have been a unique cornerstone in the creation of European cultures as a result of the exchanges generated by the 2,500 pilgrimage sites that have existed on the European continent. Today, most of these sites have disappeared because they have not been able to keep up with developments in society nor have they adapted to new visitor expectations. It is now necessary to take into account new social aspects and new spiritual and cultural practices in order to guarantee and diversify the activity of such sites, attracting a broader public. Overall objective / Objectif général In the framework of the European network of the seven Major Visitor Sites, COESIMA aims to improve organisation and to adapt and diversify activities to improve the economic and social development of such locations. Analysis of tourism flows by means of the same visitor frequency studies should make it possible to ascertain the motivation, the loyalty and the expectations of pilgrims from Europe and from the rest of the world. Accessibility studies will define any adaptations required for the handicapped. Actions to promote cultural value should involve the protection and restoration of outstanding constructions. The lead partner’s experience in cross-border cooperation (INTERREG II AND III A) and the topics covered in this framework should form a basis for continued, coherent action in inter-regional cooperation as presented in COESIMA. Expected results / Résultats attendus COESIMA creates a permanent network of the major European visitor sites so that know-how can be acquired, shared, developed and disseminated. The themed studies that form the pilot action of this project should lead to the definition of options for structural alterations or events to be set up in each site to improve organisation and utilisation. Such elements are necessary to make the locations more attractive and to diversify them in order to promote sustainable development. Common promotion will increase themed stays in the COESIMA towns for international visitors. It will be backed by actions to improve the quality of reception based on a joint charter set up by the “major visitor sites” to promote visitor loyalty.