The COntemporary art Modeling Peripheries for LIvable CITIES – COMPLICITIES project is proposed by  a consortium composed by 3 project partners (JP Kulturni Centar Bar, Municipality of Lecce and CODE Partners) and 1 associated partner (University of Salento). Numerous findings show that urban peripheries share similar problems, linked to physical degradation and social tensions. At the same time, suburbs often act as laboratories in which innovative solutions of participatory urban governance take place. COMPLICITIES considers the Area’s suburbs as places for innovation, to be activated by Culture and Creative Industries involvement and interaction with human capital. COMPLICITIES aims to create a joint transferable model for the regeneration of suburbs based on the collaboration between local communities and public institutions. The project needs therefore a cross border dimension to develop a new identity for Areas’ suburbs, based on the enhancement of their cultural assets. COMPLICITIES will promote positive changes: a new regulatory framework will be implemented, promoting CCIs participation in suburbs’ development. The creative excellence of CCIs will be applied for the collaborative development of innovative solutions for urban regeneration.The main outputs will be: the adoption of Common Strategy to foster creative urban regeneration and of Community guidelines acting as local action plans, helping public authorities to achieve a sustainable urban development; the promotion of pilot suburbs as creative hubs for the development of cross-border creative projects, supporting inhabitants in the development of creative initiatives.