Promotion of entrepreneurial thinking among young people, and supporting creative industry's business start-ups and their development into high growth companies are critical for the success of Lisbon strategy for growth and development. Here, entrepreneurial education has a key role. Consequently, entrepreneurial education in European higher education institutions is experiencing a strong growth. There are, however, a number of weaknesses in the current situation. 1) The teaching of entrepreneurship for creative and non-business industries is not yet sufficiently integrated in higher education institutions' curricula. The availability of entrepreneurial education for creative and non-business students is particulary low. The diffusion of entrepreneurship is the weakest in new Member States. 2) The methods used to teach entrepreneurship are not always those that are viewed as the most effective ones. To stimulate the diffusion of best practices transnational networking is needed. The main objective of the project is linking of knowledge and innovation to sustainable economic development and competitiveness of the programme area and development a best practice model of entrepreneurial education for creative industry in Central Baltic region's (CBR) universities. This allow them to better promote entrepreneurial thinking among young people, and support innovative business start-ups from creative industry and their development into growth companies, better cross-border interaction in innovation and creative cluster development and joint marketing. These objectives contributes in the Lisbon strategy and the call for European systems of education to become a world reference by 2010. Also the level of economic growth of CBR depends on an increased level of entrepreneurship and on the ability to engange new actors to becoming entrepreneurs and starting up businesses. Project workpackages: WP1 Project management and coordination (lead partner HSE SBC) WP2 Analysis of creative entrepreneurship training needs (lead by Tallinn University of Technology) WP3 Training program development for creative entrepreneurship (lead byTartu University) WP4 Designing and piloting of network initiative (lead by SSE Riga) WP5 Dissemination and Virtual forum development (lead by HSE SBC) The results of the project are: 1) analysis of creative entrepreneurship training needs in Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Sweden, 2) joint cross-border training program for potential and beginning entrepreneurs in knowledge-based creative industry fields in CB region, and 3) a networking concept bringing together CB region's potential and beginning entrepreneurs from creative sector, 4) network between CB region's educational institutions in the field of entrepreneurial education, and network between educational institutions and business supporting organizations.