With the pace of today’s development of new user centric electronic services and equipment to enable these, it becomes increasingly important to verify services and equipment in testbeds comprising a real end user environment including test pilots. It is also evident that better collaboration between testbeds is needed; today test and demonstration facilities are fragmented with too little mutual interaction. This project will address these issues with testbeds in three countries in the central Baltic region, and with external collaboration with other testbeds outside the region. The region is characterized by a high ICT readiness, usage and acceptance with sophisticated services. The partner countries have fairly different approaches and attitudes towards reaching the information society, but we believe that this is a huge strength in the collaboration: To learn from others’ experiences, to get inspired to change our way of working, and in general to cross-fertilize each other. The aim within the project is to create ideas, develop, integrate, test, demonstrate and/or integrate services and equipment that fall within one of the project areas below. It could be in the shape of concepts, prototypes, beta-releases, business models or commercially available products. The project activities should as far as possible be carried out in a testbed with real end users. The testbed can be understood as a part of an innovation platform comprising the following parts: • The test facility itself incl. real end users in a real ICT environment • A method of working. • A meeting venue for all types of players that want to somehow contribute or learn from our experiences. This includes e.g. workshops. • An external communication and information window both for ourselves but also for those who may want to demonstrate something in the testbed. This will moreover attract new partners both for testing and for further testbed collaboration. The testbed activities will focus on five main areas: • Smart living including home automation, home networks, and visualization platforms (such as e.g. Android) • eHealth for prolonged staying in own home, support for external care & health service. This is related to the smart living activities and also includes security at various levels • eGovernance incl. new methods of delivering public services and new ways of governance • eLearning incl. both new content for teaching and training as well as new ways of delivering the training • Distribution of services including content distribution and traffic measurements to understand service usage & flows The above areas are mutually connected. Common are the focus on the end user. The testbed will contain both mobile and fixed line services and users. The services of the future should be platform and access type agnostic, and part of the work is indeed to investigate and encourage fixed/mobile convergence.