The transboundary area in the region Belarus-Latvia-Lithuania is characterized by high concentration of chemical industrial enterprises ('POLIMIR' Enterprise, oil processing plant 'NAFTAN', oil pipeline 'DRUZHBA' in Novopolotsk town (Vitebsk region of Belarus), 'AZOT' enterprise in Grondo city), dense transportation network, and remoteness from major cities. There is always a potential threat of chemical accidents in the region. Several accidents have already taken place in the past. In case of late or not adequate response the consequences of an accident could spread on large areas and affect territories of neighbor countries. Belarus, Latvia and Lithuania have bilateral agreements on cooperation in the field of man-made and natural emergencies prevention and response. However bilateral and multilateral mechanism of interaction between regional rescue services has not been yet worked out or trained. Belarusian regional rescue services suffer from under-equipment and training. The compatibly of rescue services of three countries should be improved through joint training activities and enhanced technical capabilities. The main objective of the project is to enhance preparedness and effectiveness of joint response to chemical emergencies at industrial enterprises of transboundary area Belarus-Latvia-Lithuania. Main tasks of the project are: To develop and practice regional mechanism of joint response to emergencies in the transboundary area Belarus-Latvia-Lithuania; To foster cooperation between educational and training institutions of rescue services of three participating countries, To organize regional training courses and programmes for first-responders; to raise awareness of the population in the region of chemical emergencies matters by holding information campaigns and training events; to improve technical capabilities of regional rescue services. The project will cover four main thematic issues: interagency communication and cooperation network; joint training and professional development; enhancement of technical capacities; information campaigns and PR. The Lead project partner will be Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus (MES). Other partners: State Fire and Rescue Service of Latvia, Fire and Rescue Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania, Grodno and Vitebsk Regional Directorates of the MES, and Special Response Team of the MES. Expected results: established regional mechanism of interaction in case of chemical emergency; joint staff training; improvement of technical capacities. Long-term impacts: improvement of chemical and ecological safety level in the near-border region Belarus-Latvia-Lithuania, promotion of sustainable development of the region, enhancement of local population safety and ecological well-being of the region.