The Cluster Club project aims to improve the innovation’s possibility of territorial and productive system through cooperation, business opportunities and market research. It aims also to accelerate the creation and reinforcing of cluster’s system, in particular the creation of SMEs network, Public Administration, public and private institutes of research, consumers and potential products and services purchasers and related associations of the Adriatic Basin. Through the partnership composed by different institutions: Chambers of Commerce and Chambers of Economy, Regional Development Agencies from Croatia, Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Greece and Serbia, the project intends to valorize the different information of the development skills of clusters in a strategic cross-border integrated framework. The project is based on the analysis of the existing clusters to the nautical sector and shipbuilding through a mapping and identification of the merchandising sector connected to the productive chain with particular attention to wood, mechanic, plastic, rubber, metal and textile of the project area, through the exchange of best practices and experience of entrepreneurship cooperation, business scouting actions and match making events. The elaboration and creation of common methodology will support the participating Countries to establish new links between SMEs and business institutions with aim of supporting the promotion of new financial and innovation instruments. The involved partners have an important role for the identification and selection of firms to be involved in the survey, by exploiting institutional databases, lists of SMEs accessing institutional services related to internationalization and previous institutional relations. During the implementation of the project, partners will prepare contact lists and support to the diffusion of the questionnaires, also by providing translation into the Country languages,for the implementation of a common database will develop a model composed by four main sections: a. general information: this section will be focused on localization and main features of the clusters; it will be paid attention about the modality of clusters development, their management and their presence in international network; b. business opportunities: this section will offer a detailed description of the productive organization of the clusters, their dimension and links with the productive chain. It will offer specific information about the SMEs membership at the cluster, underlining the specific references (database) and the indication of the leader SMEs in terms of innovative behavior and role; c. institutional area: the project aims to valorize the role of the main institutions; d. projects: the section is focused to collect information and to give support for the identification of the project implemention or that will be implemented within the cluster; following these information it is possible to evaluate the dynamism of the cluster and its tendency at future collaborations of specific issues. During the project will be organized three matchmaking events of the selected target sectors in Adriatic Basin Countries. These activities will be implemented using the ad hoc software able to generate personal meeting agendas to be distributed to each company participating in events. It will be organized training information seminars during these events, focused to cover the following aspects: introduction of the entrepreneurs into cross-border business and markets situation and presentation of the most promising business opportunities. Moreover the project foresees to have three events one to one in order to transfer know how among the SMEs and research centers and three events of B2C in order to support the identification of financial instruments for the selected sectors linked to the European Programmes as Jasmine and Jeremie.