The cross-border area of Poland and Ukraine has enormous cultural diversity and traditions. Lublin as the historic capital of the Polish-Lithuanian Union is the heritage of five nations (Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, Latvia and Ukraine). Through the promotion of the Lublin castle, Unia Square and the historical museum, the project will show that the Union's heritage does not apply only to two, but to five nations. Undeniably, Lublin is the place where the most important act of sixteenth-century Europe was signed. The act, which for the next 200 years defined the existence of several European nations and marked their development. The Polish-Lithuanian Union is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List as a heritage of 5 nations (Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus and Ukraine). We want young people to examine how this act affected the relations of Polish people and Ukrainians, and above all whether it also affected Uzhhorodians who were outside the borders of the then Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, how do they today look at the inhabitants of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, how their traditions differed, understanding problems of Ukraine at the time, and what significance do they give to Polish- Ukrainian relations. Unfortunately, at present there is no sufficient institutions cultivating a multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multicultural structure of this area. At the same time, interest of young generations in cultivating local traditions with a strong influence of Western culture is becoming increasingly low. Other problem is that despite the fact that the Polish-Ukrainian cross-border area has huge potential for development and creation of tourism, it suffers from very low promotion and awareness. For this purpose, 2 centres for development of common PL-UA culture in Lublin and Uzhhorod with a comprehensive cultural offer including folklore, art, literature, painting, theatre, crafts, etc. will be created (in Uzhhorod) and developed (in Lublin).