Objective of the network is to activate the larger buildings, building complexes or areas with many vacant buildings for the benefit of the sustainable urban development, of an integrated neighbourhood development. This means to bring these larger buildings and sites in use again, to rehabilitate them, providing space for functions and uses which are needed in the neighbourhood or in the city, to support an appropriation through indefinite users, to support strategic uses of the premises, not only oriented on private exploitation interests, but also on interests of the common goods.As these buildings are vacant since a longer time and most often derelict, it needs further stakeholders to create a new momentum to be able to start off the process of re-activation in a step-by step-process. The partners will find out and try new ways/ process qualities and planning methods to bring these buildings back in use. They will build up such partnerships and prepare a participative re-activation process, which allows making us of the opportunities these vacant buildings present for the city/for the neighbourhood.The network will also be about developing further organisation and financing models to turn more local actors into players in the revitalisation of such buildings and to strengthen the local potential for innovation.The network will also be used to develop guidelines, policies and instruments in support of the re-activation of vacant buildings in general in the city.