Overall objective of the project is to increase the sustainable use of cultural heritage for tourism in borderland region by commemorating the historical neighborhood of two countries in the occasion of the century of Lithuania’s statehood. During the project the aim will be accomplished by creating joint tourism route, promoting route increasing the number of common activities across the border and strengthening tourism capabilities and visibility of the region in media and social sites. Lithuanian and Polish borderline cities have a rich common history and culture heritage that can be used as a tourism attractions, but they are not known as a tourism destination, not visible for people choosing to travel in native lands. During the project joint tourism route will be created including heritage objects and monuments. The route will be combined in joint virtual map which will be exposed in internet sites of all beneficiaries. The tourism guide for the route going along 3 municipalities will be designed and published containing information about objects of the route, attractions near it, descriptions, photos, places of catering, accommodation, first aid, museums, local authorities, etc. There will be 3 representation events and 2 tour trips organized during the project implementation period for promoting the tourism of the region and created route. The promotional campaign disseminating and promoting the project and its results widely over the region will be implemented.