The project falls within the framework of the changes linked to the EU enlargement process, to the status of Member State acquired by the Republic of Slovenia as well as to the fall of the border between Italy and Slovenia. In this sense and with reference to the European Cohesion Policy, the project intends to create and train the professional figure of the consultant in the management of EU programmes, who can assist, on the one hand, public administrations in the planning, project design and funding management; and on the other, the enterprises engaged in the internationalisation process. Said professionals must possess the knowledge and skills required to analyse the legislative framework of reference and to identify the best funding opportunities; they must be able to accept a task and to draw up a project; they must manage the operation in all its phases (project-making, management and accounting), coordinating the partnership; they must function as mediators between the final beneficiary and the institutions of reference. The course, consisting of a didactic part in the classroom and of an internship period in financial and consulting firms and public institutions in the cross-border area, aims at training professionals who can be employed in various sectors of the labour market, both public and private.