The Full Application was prepared after the Concept Note was accepted for financing and details the activities and the budget pertaining to the implementation phase. The main obstacle in the mobility of population in the cross border area is outdated infrastructure or even the lack of it, stunting the development of settlements with great potential for mutual cooperation in the enlarged EU. A great opportunity in the Ro-Hu border area is the the presence of the TEN-T routes, part of the fourth European corridor, the A1 motorway, the E68 road as well as a main East –West railway and the perspective of transforming the Gyula – Kecskemet road into a motorway. For enhanced mobility of population and freight, the project proposed as overall objective to connect communities to the TEN-T infrastructure in Arad and Bekes counties, in the mean time tackling the challenges posed by an increased traffic. To this purpose, Arad County, BMVA and Curtici Town agreed to cooperate in order to:-provide a direct, shorter connection between the border checkpoints from Nădlac/Nagylak, Turnu/Battonya, Variaşu Mic/Dombegyhaz, Grăniceri/Elek and Vărşand/Gyula, as an alternative to national roads DN7 and DN 79, thus improving the traffic flow on the congested national roads and relieving the overcrowded border checkpoint from Nădlac/Nagylak-connect secondary and tertiary nodes (poles of local development) to the TEN-T infrastructure-enhance local economies of the two counties by making available a modern road network for the passenger and freight traffic-use to the full the road network between the two counties, financed under the Hungary – Romania Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013 (connection roads Nădlac – Csanadpalota, Arad-Variaşu Mic – Dombegyhaz, Sânmartin-Grăniceri – Elek; the two new crossborder points from Variaşu Mic/Dombegyhaz and Grăniceri/Elek have the highest traffic among the newly opened crossborder points, created in the framework of HURO 2007-2013 Programme)-encourage workforce exchange between Romania and HungaryThe main objective will be accomplished on Romanian side by directly connecting the tertiary node Curtici town to the national road DN79 – part of the comprehensive TEN-T network and on Hungarian side by preparing studies for the improvement of roads connecting 20 settlements – tertiary nodes to the TEN-T infrastructure. This will materialize in the construction of 12,144 km of new roads, modernization of 20,06 km of roads in Arad County and preparation of 43 studies in Bekes County. The beneficiaries of the improved roads will be the general population, in an estimated number of 160.513 inhabitants.The challenges of the fragmentation caused by the border and the old and missing road infrastructure are tackled by the partners jointly for the purpose of creating a continuous road system, covering the border area as a network, providing easy access for their communities to the TEN-T roads, encouraging mobility and changes across the border.The Romanian partners focus on facilitating access from the industrial zone, located in the south-western part of Curtici town, to the DN79 national road and to the border checkpoints in the northern part of the county, meantime protecting the town from heavy traffic. Curtici is a town in full development with several major objectives in the industrial zone: Free Trade Zone, a railway border checkpoint and a multimodal terminal-Railport Tradetrans. They generate a lot of traffic, a big part of it crossing the town from south to north, slowing down the freight and passenger transporters, being a source of pollution and a high safety risk. The road sections proposed to be modernized/constructed by LP and PP3 will create a continuous route starting in the vicinity of the Free Trade Zone and ending in the intersection with DN79, as shown in the attached map. PP3 will build a 7,296 km new road to by-pass the town. During the modernization of the railway, the level crossing on DJ 792 C was closed and an overpass was opened with a different location. As a consequence, traffic flooded the center of the town. The by-pass will start in the south of Curtici, on DJ 709B, will connect it to DJ792C in East and close on DJ709B in the North of the town. LP will:1. Modernize DJ 709B Curtici– Macea– Sânmartin. Section length: 8,6 km. Connects Curtici with the neighboring communities. Rehabilitation of section Macea-Sânmartin will grant the continuity of the county roads parallel to the Romanian – Hungarian border and the connection with the border checkpoints from Turnu/Battonya and Varsand. Section Sânmartin – Grăniceri was modernized under the Hungary – Romania Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013.2. Modernize DJ709B Sânmartin – Socodor Section length: 11,46 km. The section is part of the route connecting the towns Curtici and Chişineu Criş, tertiary nodes and important local growth poles and is an alternative route for DN 79, the busy national road between Arad and Oradea. 3. Construct DJ792 Socodor – Nădab. Section length: 4,848 km - Ringroad for the town Chişineu Criş. Will provide direct access between Chişineu Criş – DN 79 – Vărşand border checkpoint and to the industrial zone from Nădab. Currently, there is a dirt road in very bad shape that does not meet any standards for passenger or freight traffic. The works will significantly improve the capacity and quality of the road, qualifying the section as “newly built road”The projected investments are very important for the area and become more pressing with the increased traffic, therefore, even if the financing will not cover entirely the costs, Arad County and Curtici Town will invest the necessary additional amount to complete the works. The budget estimates for the Romanian partners were made in Lei, transformed in Euro at the rate indicated by the Ministry of Finances for budget projections in 2019: 1 Euro=4.62 lei.PP 2 will prepare 43 studies for 20 localities (all of them tertiary nodes) and obtain approval and agreements. The selected roads will improve mobility for passengers and freight connecting the localities to the TEN-T infrastructure, will develop the infrastructure leading to railway stations, promoting sustainable transportation and improve safety.The project is endorsed by all relevant authorities. Arad County and Bekes County issued Compliance letters with the local strategies and the three partners issued decisions stating approval and support, including financial, for the project. The main constraint in the area is the different situation of the two neighboring countries in the EU. While Hungary is a Schengen state, Romania is still in the process of joining the free circulation area. As a result, the number of permanent border crossing points is controlled and far lower than the possibilities and the traffic needs between the two countries.