The ConnReg SK-AT project focuses specifically on strengthening the cooperation and capacity of cross-border key partners for the effective development of border areas using available territorial development instruments. Cooperation between institutions of public character with an emphasis on self-government working in the area of ​​the partners is of utmost importance in the project’s acitivities framework. Slovakia's and Austria's regional policy seeks long-term citizens and institutions of cross-border regions convergence. The project helps to deepen existing contacts and to open new topics of cooperation for the purpose of border regions‘ intercultural understanding, integration and cohesion. Cross-border activities coordination at institutional level supports the generation of projects that takes into account regional and local strategies. Improving coordination between institutions also creates a more effective framework for supporting smaller projects that reflect the needs of regional and local institutions as well as helps regions, cities, municipalities, associations of municipalities and organizations under their auspices to exercise their powers. From a regional perspective, the goal is to focus on areas that have the highest development potential in terms of content. These serve as multipliers of further cross-border development and create the space for a positive change at the communal and regional levels.