The project will be organized in 3 main phases: 1. Planning and Sharing - In this phase, partners will meet and set the cooperation model, through master plans for the other 2 phases of the project. Partners will be organized by 3 different working groups (Business Model Networking Model and Institutional and territory Links). Inside these groups, the outputs will be analyzed and updated. This will allow the knowledge sharing among partners about the former Med projects outputs and to define approaches and working guidelines for the next phases 2. Model Experimentation - In this phase, partners will test models, methodologies and instruments, based on the already existing outputs and also will create new approaches, based on the working group's proposals. The activities will be focused in an internal impact (actions inside the networks) and in an external impact (actions to reach the market and territory). The actions will allow the definition of ideal incubators model to support creative SMEs and initiatives the communication and ideas sharing among incubators, creative SMEs, cultural sector and territories. Also will allow deepen specific support to specific SMEs or ideas, in order to test the existing tools and methodologies and to contribute to their progress and to promote cultural and creative industry and sector among potential markets and among target stakeholders. 3. Territory Involvement - This phase will focus on the dissemination of the results and outputs to the institutional net that acts in the context of cultural initiatives and also in the creation of Guidelines that can influence the next programming period and can influence new policies to support cultural and creative business. The objective is to define suitable approaches to use with different type of institutions involve institutions in supporting creative ideas projects approved at the Ideas & Projects Factory to set guidelines and proposals for the future.