As Lithuania and Poland became part of the Schengen area, the abolition of controls at internal borders was completed and the threat of trans-national crime increased. Project is implemented by Podlaski Border Guard Regional Unit (LB) and Border Guard Service under the Ministry of the Interior of Republic of Lithuania (B2). Border Guard Services the (hereinafter Service) must change the activity nature, cooperate, apply the same practice of tactical actions to ensure general safety. The project is oriented to enhance institutional capacities of partners and effectiveness of implementation of trans-national LT and PL agreements in the areas of illegal migration, illegal transportation of goods and persons as well as ensurance of safety. The aim is to strengthen the institutional abilities and cooperation of LT and PL Services in order to decrease trans-national crime rate in LT and PL border regions. The objectives are: to increase the institutional abilities of LT and PL Service in order to implement joint activities; to strengthen the cooperation of LT and PL Service in order to ensure the safety of border regions. Project target group includes the specialists of LT and PL Service. Main results are: the development of 1 training program, training regarding the improvement of tactical abilities (184 participants); the purchase of specialized equipment; the preparation of 1Guidelines for the implementation of joint activities; the organization of 1 international conference.