The River Morava is a unique natural phenomenon in Austria and Slovakia. Together with its wetlands - in the form of natural and semi-natural habitats on both sides of the river and a rare paleontological site - it is part of the Natura 2000 network, cross-border Ramsar area and stepping stone of the Alpine-Carpathian Corridor. The currently unfavorable state of several rare natural sites and a lack of management measures cause the continuous decline of rare habitats and endangered species. The targeted cross-border natural space management, technical supervision, improvement of the environmental awareness as well as the financial capacity make an improvement possible. The project´s main aim is therefore to manage the habitats in such a way that habitat networking, biodiversity and valuable ecosystem services are maintained on both sides of the River Morava. The project activities include revitalization and management of 50 hectares of terrestrial and water biotopes, strengthening environmental education combined with nature tourism. In addition, 4 eco-centers will be established to strengthen the future cross-border cooperation and conscious care for the natural heritage of the River Morava area. At least 100,000 visitors a day will be informed about the natural values and care for this cross-border area by means of environmental education and the acceptance of the protective measures for its protection will increase. The activities will appeal to citizens and visitors from 6 to 99 years of age, professionals, and public. The balance between Austrian and Slovak partners and cooperation with key strategic partners ensure successful cross-border cooperation and measurable results in the protection of the common landscape and a visible impact on the target groups. This will also result in acceptance and cooperation for future nature conservation activities in the River Morava area.