Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) represent the part of economy, which largely contributes to employment and GDP growth. However, DG Enterprise and Industry together with DG Regio point out that cross-border cooperation of SMEs do not exploit its full potential. Cross-border regions of Hungary and Slovakia belong to underdeveloped regions in comparison with the rest of these countries (with exemption of Bratislava, Kosice, Budapest, Gyor and Miskolc). Various EU studies proved that those regions that do not have sufficient network of support institutions are only little effective in exploitation of state, public and private funds for support of SMEs, technology and know-how transfer and R&D. Support network is composed of various institutions and enterprises having various legal form and range of activities. The CroBoNet project should eliminate shortcomings in provision of information regarding business conditions in cross-border regions, contribute to continuous establishment of joint enterprises and search for new supply-purchase forms, like f.e. networks and clusters. The project team will focus on implementation of new services into support system. The key activites of the project will include dissemination of information, knowledge and innovation transfer and clustering of enterprises.