With a view to pursuing and intensifying the cooperation activities undertaken in the past, this project stems from the awareness that the legal and administrative barriers - brought about by the different health and social security systems that are in force in Italy and in Slovenia - make cooperation more difficult, especially in terms of the joint use of specialized units and medical equipment, exchange of medical staff and patients’ health insurance (should they be treated abroad). The geographical proximity of the two hospital facilities involved and the territorial continuity show both the integration opportunities provided by these neighbouring territories and the consequent economic and financial advantages, which would derive from a real Europe-inspired social and cultural community. A study is being outlined to define the guidelines that should govern the cooperation between hospitals and territorial facilities and develop a joint action plan in some specific sectors, including some hospital and territorial health services in the cross-border area, which are related to the nine joint Italian-Slovenian working parties: nephrology and dialysis; young people and substance use; neurology; ophtalmology; cardiology; quality; orthopaedics; emergency department; intensive care. This intervention aims at improving the quality of joint activities in the healthcare sector, consolidating the medical staff and undertaking new cooperation initiatives by reducing costs. Finally, to better highlight the results obtained in the framework of the above-mentioned working parties, some brochures will be published on the following topics: “Pre-hospital procedures of STEMI patients”, “What is a stroke”, “Young people and substance use”, “Intensive care and “Emergency department”.