Overall objective of the project is to increase quality of life through promotion and implementation of high quality early education services in Lithuanian – Polish cross-border area. Main project activities consist of development of the early education infrastructure, cross-border quality and capacity building and establishment of the Cross-border Early Education Network, which will be an interactive e-learning platform and long-term structure of cooperation in the scope of information flows, assessment, research, monitoring, evaluation and harmonisation of actions fostering stronger commitment, cooperation and effective educational services delivery. Within the project 2 kindergartens will be renovated and equipped (in Birštonas and in Korycin), 4 joint trainings for 32 participants and the workshop for 16 participants as well as 4 joint family picnics will be organised. Project combines necessary renovations of infrastructure with innovative trainings of the preschool teachers, special training pathway for enhancement of early education sector and opportunities for knowledge and experience exchange between Lithuanian and Polish educators.