Low cost airlines have diverted passenger traffic away from major airports into a number of smaller local airports across the NWE region but the spin-offs for the hosting regions have been few and far between. Three of these regions representing airport locations at Glasgow Prestwick (UK), Frankfurt Hahn (D) and Cork (IRL) have teamed up to see how they can jointly tap into existing passenger traffic and stimulate growth through tourist development in their area. But how can these rural regions find market niches that are complementary to high profile metropolitan destinations? The project’s strength lies in its truly transnational approach. Not only will the partnership take shape on paper through joint market studies and targeted strategies but it will also translate itself in joint marketing pilot actions (regional showcases, roadshows, events...) and in practical initiatives such as encouraging residents of the partner regions to visit other areas in the partnership. The project website will be both a joint marketing platform and a means of strengthening exchanges within the partnership. Joint training initiatives aiming at developing common quality standards and language proficiency will strengthen the cohesion of the partnership. Over the next 4 years €2.3 million will be invested in these various actions. As the project develops, the partners want to involve policy-makers and planners so that the findings are integrated into future policies but also community development companies, economic development and tourism agencies and private businesses so as to stimulate new job opportunities within the partnership areas.