The project aims to protect and promote natural heritage, strengthen cooperation, improve the image and attractiveness of the regions of two countries whose fates were interwoven with each other for centuries. The implemented project will provide a strong cross-border effect not only through a partnership between institutions from two countries but above all thanks to actions and their positive impact on border areas. In both regions (in Poland and Ukraine), the natural landscape is created by upland areas, with valleys and ravines. A large part of the territory of these regions are forests, wetlands, and swamps. Both of these areas in Poland and Ukraine are wonderful landscapes, beautiful nature, interesting culture. Because of the immediate neighborhood of both countries, the connection of many economic, cultural and social interests, it is extremely important to know their historic, cultural and natural heritage. The challenge to be faced by project partners is to present to people the richness and diversity of the border area and to increase the attractiveness of the entire region's image. Project partners set out to create a cross-border tourist product, i.e. 8 tourist routes running through the picturesque areas of the Volyn Oblast and Podkarpackie Region. Tourist routes for each season of the year (spring, summer, autumn, winter) will be developed. The results of the project will benefit mainly tourists visiting Cieszanow Municipality and Volyn Region. Due to the common historical past of the areas covered by the project and the diversity of nationalities and cultures present in this area, it is very important that the planned activities are carried out as part of cross-border cooperation. Strong involvement of both parties will contribute to increasing the attractiveness of the region, which will result in enlarging number of tourists and enhancing the economic development of these areas.