U. of Turku in FI has contacts with many EE organizations. In many meetings, the question of nature protection has raised up. There are several old parks in both countries, and their re-establishment would make them more attractive for plants, animals and visitors. Cultural background and historic development of parks are quite different in EE and FI, but there are similar problems like how to add awareness of parks historic values among the local inhabitants or how to promote parks as places of the cultural heritage? Historic parks are managed and developed here in a way that supports the sustainable regional and cultural policies of the EU. Sustainability is full filled on a large scale, from heritage plants, species and individuals to localities and regional entities and finally, target is to launch the Baltic Historic Park Route at FI's and EE's part. The consortium is of a good quality, multidisciplinary and operates within many different organizations and organizational levels. Historic parks mean parks, gardens and cultural landscapes related to historic past and heritage. They are developed here to meet present needs without affecting the ability of new generations to develop to meet their needs. Historic parks' cultural heritage and biodiversity are maintained by inventories, mapping, management, development and future thinking. Cultural sensitivity and presentations of common history and heritage will channel all actions. Problems are: 1) lack of historic park information, conservation, education, research, overall resources and future thinking, 2) degeneration and diminishing management, lack of continuity in management and transfer of tacit knowledge, 3) threat of loosing cultural heritage, biodiversity, scenery, economic activities, etc., 4) spatial scattering and isolation and lack of coordination between actors, 5) pressure for construction and areal development ignoring historic values and good practices and 6) lack of presentation material. Action scheme: WP1 Manage and coordinate actions of the partners in SW FI and EE in the Tartu-, Saare and Jõgevamaa WP2 Map and invent parks' historic and present situation with different methods and under many themes. WP3 Maintain and develop historic parks in the near future e.g. from the basis of different inventories and training. WP4 Meet future challenges and opportunities in the representation methods, species, policies, and making a Baltic wide park route on FI's and EE's side. Parks needs to be planned with a perspective of decades and the changing society and environments need to be noticed. WP5 Disseminate information and publications in a communicative and open way and market historic parks and park routes to create sustainable development on the project and programme area. Results are knowhow and new models for private owners, municipalities and research to manage and develop historic parks and thus create information and wellbeing to all citizens and habitats for species.