The major waterways, such as the Meuse, have a hydrological and ecological continuity without links to national borders. Although the supervision of these environments takes place in a European context, a number of initiatives to develop new tools take place at a national or even regional level. In order to develop cross-border continuity, the DIADeM project proposes to pool knowledge and know-how with a view to deploying solutions applicable to the cooperation area. The project will enable the generation of new and original knowledge in the interregional area, but also methods for evaluating the quality of water bodies that are not feasible by each region alone. The project aims to bring together the various cross-border stakeholders concerned about the protection of aquatic environments (academics, operators, users) while informing citizens of the risks caused by the degradation of water bodies. The DIADeM project will ensure better awareness of the cross-border population vis-à-vis the possible consequences of the pollutant discharges on the natural environment and thus will help to recall that we can all play a role in maintaining the quality of our resources.