Cross-border co-operation partners remarked enclosures that are necessary to fulfil the application form which will be submitted to CBC Programme authority and will apply for funding within the mentioned programme. Partners have decided to realize activities which will be oriented on the construction of Multifunctional energetic and mining centre - The House of unlimited friendship. The project idea was conceived of the current situation and realistic demand to take part on the active protection and development of environment. The protection of environment is closely interconnected with the establishment and support of new ecological industry forms, as follows: tourism development. After analyse and synthesise of future mutual benefits, we decided to support development and establishment of saving energy technologies. Together, we would like to construct saving energy building, which will be constructed from the special energy saving building materials. We also want to encourage the presentation of energy saving items and applications which are used in order to secure environmentally friendly and suitable development. Moreover, our effort is focused on support of tourism development, which is closely associated with the former activity in the field of exploitation natural resources (mining and metallurgical industry). Because of new energy saving technologies and building materials, it is necessary to plan a realized the construction of building from the zero starting point, in that is due to comply with approved regulations and standards (low energy and saving building standards). That was the reason why we couldn´t reconstruct the existing building within the project activities. At present time, we do not register such a building in Slovakia (the building guarantees fulfilment of above mentioned activities), therefore our project is pilot a innovative itself.