The project involves the reconstruction of the voivodship road No 664 Lipsk - state border (planned border crossing Lipszczany – Sofijewo) on section of 2.793 km and the road H 6054 Grodno - Sopotskin - border with Lithuania on section of 5.771 km, with construction of bike paths in both cases. The road No 664 has carriageway of only approx. 4.5 m width, in addition in poor condition. In addition, its bearing capacity does not meet current legal requirements for public roads. At present, the AADT is relatively small, 478 veh./day. The road H-6054 is also in poor condition due to loss of aggregate and binder what caused bumps and potholes. The AADT is quite significant - 2,620 veh./day. Because the BY partner has equipment deficiencies and the existing machines for road maintenance are old and significantly decapitalised, as part of the project the purchase of a tractor with mower, machine for shoulder profiling, dump track and snow plough with salt and sand spreader for maintanace of the road covered by the project is planned. Reconstruction of both roads is important in terms of plans for reactivation of the border crossing Lipszczany-Sofijewo as due to their location they will play key role in communication of near border areas in both countries. Faster and more efficient crossing of the border will be a big convenience for a large group of residents of northern part of Podlasie and people living in the north-western part of the Grodno oblast. Besides, the road H 6054 provides access to an important common tourist attraction of PL and BY - the Augustów Canal. The overall and specific objectives of the project, identified in par. 3.2 are consistent with the Programme - the TO2 is aimed at the development of local roads offering important cross-border effects and influence. Implementation of the project will contribute to decrease in travel /transportation time in the regions by 26%.