EUSDR Priority Area 4 (PA4) “Maintain and restore the quality of waters” supports the activities - the Safeguard Europe’s Water Resources, assistance in implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD), improvement of fish migration,  promotion of measures addressing agricultural pollution, plastics and hazardous waste, facilitation of sub-basin activities. EUSDR PA4 provides assistance in project generation, partnership search, networking and dissemination. Furthermore, it deepens synergies with water protection organizations, such as the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR)  and the Sava Commission. The project partners will work with close cooperation with relevant international organisations, such as  ICPDR that will be an ASP within the project and the Sava Commission, Carpathian Conventions, GWP-CEE, Danube Sturgeon Task Force and the relevant DGs of the EC. The project will continue to focus on the following target groups: PA4 Steering Group members, national authorities focusing on water management issues, international organisations and other interested stakeholders, NGOs related to water quality. As the result of the transnational cooperation the actions of the revised EUSDR PA4 Action Plan will be implemented and the cooperation between relevant target groups will be further strenghtened. The crucial strategy background document is the revised EUSDR Action Plan, and the project will contribute to its implementation. Specific issues identified in the revised EUSDR PA4 Action Plan will be also addressed, such as challenges related to hazardous  and emerging substances (A1); waste water (A2);  strenghtening cooperation with the agricultural sector (A3); drinking water (A4);  migratory fish (A5) and climate change (A6).