The PA10 project pursues three objectives: enhance coordination between stakeholders, facilitate project development and support policy development. Stakeholders such as civil society, public administrations and funding institutions are coordinated in different frameworks such as the framework for better investment in institutional capacities that addresses both ESIF and international and regional donors (e.g. World Bank, GIZ) for better alignment of funds to the EUSDR. The project also links civil society with public administration through the EUSDR Participation Days and provides a platform for capacity-building with the Bled Strategic Forum Framework that establishes exchange between public administrations and academia and encourages the youth to engage in cooperation. Project promoters receive support for project development through the project consultation concept that provides both comprehensive consultation for strategic projects of PA 10 and project consultation in cooperation with Interreg-programmes to improve their project design. PA10 also develops guidelines and provides guidance for the strategic project D-CAHT that fosters cooperation between civil society and local administration. Furthermore, young entrepreneurs shall be encouraged to develop projects across the Danube Region through the Framework for Civic Engagement. Finally, the project seeks to provide strategic guidance. This relates to the White Book on Civil Society that promotes participatory governance approaches, to the White Book on sound public management that provides an overview of good practices of local and regions public administration and to the policy paper on metropolitan regions pointing out areas for cross-border cooperation between cities and municipalities. As a result, the combination of measures related to policy development, coordination of stakeholders and project development shall lead to a more effective coordination of PA10 and implementation of the EUSDR.