D-STIR’s objective is to improve Danube framework conditions for innovation, by integrating Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in the whole innovation pipeline. D-STIR is important for Danube innovation framework conditions. Innovation does account for socio-economic impact. Disproportionate economic development is reflected in R&I capital, expenditure and infrastructure. There is risk of political influence on R&I. Quadruple helix links are not common place. RRI can answer these challenges. It ensures that R&I is carried out in a socially, environmentally and ethically manner. RRI engages all innovation chain stakeholders in quadruple helix cooperation. RRI is result focused: encouraging innovation that brings responsible products to the markets swiftly and managing risks. RRI awareness and capacity in the Danube are limited. To take advantage of RRI benefits, innovation stakeholders require increased knowledge and capacity, concrete strategies and improved policy framework. D-STIR was designed to achieve this. In a context of exchange, the work plan covers strategy development (WP3), STIR adaptation and capacity building (WP4) and Transnational Pilot Actions (WP5). Management (WP1) and communication (WP2) support these WPs. The final output, Danube RRI Strategy, includes recommendations and concrete tools, particularly an adaptation the STIR (Socio-Technical Integration Research) Method. Transnational cooperation among complementary partners makes D-STIR possible. They work with Transnational Stakeholder Groups, gathering target groups from policy, academia, business (including SMEs) and civil society across the macro-region. D-STIR is highly innovative. It applies RRI implementation method across the Danube and in less developed regions for the first time. It promotes quadruple helix cooperation and continuous learning evaluation, to lead to the long-term expected change: an innovation pipeline based on cooperation, responsibility and competitiveness.